It's Yours Forever- NH Halloween #1
Here is the first video in our 2013 Halloween series. The next video “Backyard Firepit will release on YouTube Friday the 18th at 12pm. Thank you for watching.
Written, Directed, & Edited by: Matt Robinson
Emma St.
Awesome Kimberly Tolson
Fresh Zombie Alex Geidl
Old Zombie Lanchi MacDonald
Walking Away
Zombie Elena Mechling
Horde Zombie 1 Lana Prater
Horde Zombie 2 Jamie Morgan
Horde Zombie 3 Katie Nesbit
Horde Zombie 4 Elliott Wetzstein
Horde Zombie 5 Madison Morgan
Horde Zombie 6 Logan Robinson
Horde Zombie 7 Caity Morgan
Horde Zombie 8 Evenlyn Morgan
Girlfriend in Phone Dayna Cooper
Boom Operator Jesse Cramer
Clapper/Loader Tryston Soderstrom
Boom Operator Elliott Wetzstein
Makeup Julia Harrington
Dolly Operator Shane Harrington
Digital Ingest Katie Nesbitt
Craft Services Katie Nesbitt
Additional Foley Boris