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We were on KLEW News last night. They said:
LEWISTON, ID - Brains, gore and more; that is what was happening at the 2015 Zombie Walk over the weekend.
Brackenbury Square in downtown Lewiston was alive on Saturday, well, maybe alive isn’t the best word.
The second annual Zombie Walk drew in crowds of the undead. There were zombies of all shapes, sizes and infection levels.
"It's just fun for everyone to come out,” said Robinson. “It's silly. You get to put blood and makeup all over you."
The Hells Canyon Honeys roller derby team was on hand to “Zombify” people. All the proceeds will go to help the team.
"Normal Hill Studios or NormalHill.com approached the Hells Canyon Honeys about doing this with us teaming up and then actually donating the money back to the team," said Lehman.
Even the smallest zombies enjoyed the makeup and carnivore carnival. But as night drew closer the living dead grew restless.
Containment at the square just wasn't enough for all these zombies and the horde took to the streets.
While this odd sight caused traffic to slow and passers-by to stare, the Zombie Walk is really all about coming together as a horde.
"I remember the first Zombie Walk I attended there was this strange sense of comradery,” said Robinson. “We were all just being silly. There was a lot of dead and zombie puns being thrown about."
Robinson created the Zombie Walk to help promote Normal Hill Studios Films. Their latest film, Lady Killer, is being shown at the Idaho Horror Film Festival in Boise this weekend.